These are pics of Lauryn Hill at a recent concert, looking like she's on "That Thing" and "Nothing Even Matters". The look is a lil extra but I can see it working if her make-up n facial expressions were doing something else. They're really messing up the visual. In the last pic she reminds me of what a black Mary Poppin's might look like, lol. I like her make-up in this pic, it's better than the other 3(no?)
Not to gossip or anything, but I've been hearing that Wyclef has been going in, allegedly saying that she's bi-polar and needs a psychologist. He says that she's def. not on drugs, which is a good thing.(2 snaps). It has also been said that he was walking with a chip on his shoulder, making comments like “So I would say that after our relationship she went through whatever she had to go through but this is like 14years later…she gotta get it straight!”Now he know he need to go sit down somewhere.
At first I thought it was someone doing poetry, and that they were an Oprah wanna-be lol. I didn't realize that it was HILL???? She's doing tooooooo much, I admire her confidence and her skill still...but she just doing tooooooo much. It was funny when you said, "What the hill"
I think so should-He knows aint nobody checking for except Claudette.
Lauryn is a mess. I remember seeing her over the summer performing at Wingate park...she's a mess. It had to be like 86 degrees and she came out wearing a wool hat, 20 scarves, 100 bangles makeup that had her looking like she came from or is going to a clown convention! I was like look @ this chick. And she sucked people were booing her. I had hope for her that's why I stayed,along with the others people were like "next song, next song...she's gonna do better" I was disappointed.
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